Steering documents
On this page, you will find the steering documents of the Student Union of ÅAU, which govern the Student Union’s daily operations. These are usually decided by the Student Union Council. Statutes, instructions, and regulations are documents that are updated as needed, while action plans and annual reports are established and approved by the Council annually.
N.b. these documents have not been translated to English due to limited resources.
- Stadgar (Regulations) [.pdf]
- Förvaltningsinstruktion (Administrative regulation) [.pdf]
- Ekonomireglemente (Financial regulation) [.pdf]
- Valordning för val av fullmäktige (Election regulation) [.pdf]
- Valordning för val av studentrepresentanter i Åbo Akademis förvaltning (Regulation of the selecition of student representatives) [.pdf]
- Reglemente för stipendier och utmärkelsen (Badge and scholarship regulation) [.pdf]
- Specialföreningsreglemente (Association regulation) [.pdf]
- Reglemente för Errores s:tae Valpurgis (Regulation for Errores s:tae Valpurgis) [.pdf]
- Verksamhetsplan [.pdf] (Action plan)
- Verksamhetsberättelser (Annual reports)
- Strategi (Strategy) [.pdf]
- Strategins åtgärdsprogram (Strategy action plan) [.pdf]
- Policydokument (Policy document) [.pdf]
- Jämlikhetsplan (Equality plan) [.pdf]
- Miljöplan (Environmental plan) [.pdf]
- Kommunikationsplan (Communications plan) [.pdf]
- The Student Union of ÅAU’s Principles for safer spaces [.pdf]