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Student Union Council

The Student Union Council is the highest decision-making body of the Student Union and is elected by its members in the Student Union Council Election, i.e., by you and all the others who study at ÅAU.

The Council consists of 25 members, and their term of office is two calendar years.

Below you will find information about the composition of the council and meetings.


The Presidium’s main task is to prepare the agenda for the Student Union Council and convene Council meetings. The Presidium also ensures the working procedures of the Council. The Secretary General of the Student Union serves as the secretary for the Presidium.

Presidium 2024

Chair of the Student Union Council
Kajsa Viitamäki (Rödgröna listan)

First Vice Chair of the Student Union Council
Jens Sabel (FNT-listan)

Second Vice Chair of the Student Union Council
Angelica Loo (Gemensamma Vasa)

The Student Union Council

Composition of the Council after the 5/24 council meeting

De rättvisa, 3 mandates


Carl Englund
Ines Latvala
Rickard Lindholm

Deputy mandates

Matilda Nygård

FNT-lista, 8 mandates


Jens Sabel
Viggo Henelius
Mattias Eriksson
Jenny Ek
Erik Malmström
Kevin Hede
Kristoffer Lindholm
Matias Oksa

Deputy mandates

Casimir Ruohomaa
Sini Toivola
Ilkka Saari

Gemensamma Vasa, 8 mandates


Herman Björk
Lina Sjöberg
Nea Olli
Angelica Loo
Vanessa Björklund
Emma Johansson
Veera Moilanen
André Kjellman


Deputy members

Emma Soini
Oscar Ryynänen
Noomi Talvio
Aurora Peurala
André Martinez
Axel Pakarinen
Ellinor Calrén
Adam Lahtinen


MK-listan, 3 mandates


Greta Mäkelä
Viktoria Björn
Emilia Nordenswan

Deputy mandates

Marcus Kopra
Elli Männikkö
Teddy Backman

Rödgröna listan, 3 mandates


Kajsa Viitamäki
Emma Andersson
Naava Lahtonen

Deputy mandates

Jonatan Wikström
Matti Oskari Saarinen
Niklas Vaulanen




Meeting dates

January 16th, 1 p.m. at Kåren and Havtornen

February 23rd, 1 p.m. at Kåren and Havtornen

March 20th, 1 p.m. at Kåren and Havtornen

May 8th, 1 Kåren and Havtornen