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The Student Union of ÅAU celebrated its 103rd birthday

News — 18.2.2022

The Student Union of ÅAU celebrated its 103rd birthday

The annuall ball of the Student Union of ÅAU will be held in online and hopefully in the autumn 2022 we will have the opporturnity to finally organise a big annuall ball where we can celebrate together! On 18 February, on Count Per Brahe’s birthday, the Student Union’s Chair of the Board Veera Granroth and Secretary General Jasmin Öberg gave the Count Student Union’s greetings at his statue in Åbo.

Non scholae, sed vitae discimus – ”We do not learn for school, but for life”

In her speech to Per Brahe, the Chair of the Board Granroth talked about the student life and traditions which the new students haven’t been able to experience in two years. She concluded her speech by thanking the student associations who have done their best in trying to keep the student life and traditions alive with their creativeness in organising events.

Scholarships and awards

Senator Julius Nummelin’s political science award for the best master’s thesis of the Faculty of Political Science

This year the Senator Julius Nummelin’s political science award was given to the following people:

Anna Lillkung for their master’s thesis Men’s parties in gender equal havens – The gender-representation gap in the Nordic populist radical right parties

Jenna Hoffrén for their master’s thesis Påverkar politiskt förtroende attityderna till invandring? Empirisk analys av finländska data från European Social Study

Michelle Sand for their master’s thesis New Public Management inom säkerhetspolitiken: En studie om ansvarstagande i privatisering av fred

Minna Hellström for their master’s thesis Den lokala kontextens inverkan på kommunala folkomröstningars vara eller icke vara. En tvärsnittsstudie av 2000-talets kommunreformer i Finland och Norge

Award of Companionship

The committee decided to give the Jaeger-Captain Paul Wallenius’ Award of Companionship to Malena Frankenhaeuser (Vasa) and Joakim Stewen (Åbo).

Styrelsenål award pin

128. Sandra Häggkvist
129. Emma Andersson
130. Esther Djupsund
131. Rudolf Tommos
132. Jonatan Wikström
133. Laura-Eliisa Leino
134. Axel Pakarinen
135. Rebecca Bergholm
136. Erik Östman
137. Adam Lahtinen
138. Lina Sjöskog
139. Johnny Nykvist
140. Rasmus Kupi

Styrelselyra award pin

203. Veera Granroth

Brahevingarna award pin

593. Susanna Häyry
594. Oscar Nyman
595. Jasmin Öberg
596. Niklas Grönholm
597. Tobias Ahlbäck
598. Joonas Karlsson

Brahevingarna med lyra award pin

133. Ulf Långbacka