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Scholarships from the Agneta and Carl-Erik Olin fund 

News — 29.4.2024

Scholarships are offered from the Agneta and Carl-Erik Olin Fund to individuals pursuing a licentiate or doctoral degree at Åbo Akademi University, who have been regular members or senior members of the Student Union of Åbo Akademi Univeristy. Applicants are expected to have held positions within the Student Union and/or its student associations. The fund is owned and maintained by the Åbo Akademi University Foundation.

The scholarship is awarded to one or more individuals for a total period of 44 months, with a monthly stipend of 2400 euros. Scholarship recipients are expected to engage in full-time research and produce a research report.

The application is in free-form, but should include:

  • A curriculum vitae/resume detailing the applicant’s activities within the student union and its special associations.
  • A research plan prepared by the applicant, outlining the purpose of the research, materials, theoretical framework, working hypotheses, methodological approach, as well as any travel plans or need for laboratory facilities. The research plan should be condensed to one page.
  • Information about any other funding applied for or received for the same purpose, as well as the number of scholarship months being sought.
  • A statement from the supervisor, which should be sent directly to the General Secretary of the Student Union of Åbo Akademi University, Sandra Österlund (

Applications should be submitted to the Senior Council of the Student Union of Åbo Akademi no later than May 22, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Applications are to be submitted via electronic form, which can be found here (application form in Swedish). The supervisor’s statement should be sent directly to the General Secretary of the Student Union via email.

Decisions regarding scholarship distribution will be communicated in May or early June. Scholarship recipients are required to report on the use of the scholarship to the Senior Council no later than two months after the end of the scholarship period.