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Do you think it is fair?

News — 15.5.2024

15 May 2024
For immediate release

We at the Student Union of Åbo Akademi University are extremely disappointed with the decisions that were made by the Orpo government. Now that a few weeks have passed since the frame budget talks, the seriousness of the situation has become clear.

Students will lose enormously 

The cuts to the general housing allowance are unacceptable. Annually, it will be a cut of at least one thousand euros across the board. This will negatively affect students’ ability to study full time. The cuts will also work against the government’s goals of quicker examination times and the goal of raising the amount of citizens with a higher education degree. Students are, instead of studying, forced to take on jobs or indebt themselves. Is it fair? We don’t think so. But that’s the reality the government is forcing upon students. 

The proposal of moving students back to student housing allowance is an terrible idea. Students’ income during the summer months will become a difficult question for students. At the same time the poverty of students is handled as “separate” poverty. Why are students not allowed other forms of welfare, which the rest of the citizens are qualified for? 

The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University demands action to be taken quickly to secure students’ income, without them needing to indebt themselves. The study grant and student housing allowance should guarantee a life without loans. Instead, it feels like students are forced into poverty and debt.

For more information

Jonne Kunnas
Chair of the Executive Board, The Student Union of ÅAU