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ÅAS’ Student Associations

A student association refers to an organization that has been granted student association status by the Student Union Council. Student associations at ÅAS operate independently but are expected to adhere to ÅAS’ Student Association Regulations. ÅAS provides guidance, training, and funding, and can serve as a coordinating body when needed.

There are about 80 student associations within the Student Union of ÅAU. Traditionally the student associations are grouped into Nations, Faculty associations, by subject etc. They come in all shapes and sizes – and they are as diverse as their members.


Subject Associations

Astérix French Åbo
Biologica Bioscience Åbo
Britannica English Åbo
Datateknologerna vid Åbo Akademi Computer technology Åbo
Druzjba Russian Åbo
Eikon Art history Åbo
Eszett German Åbo
Ex Tempore Pharmaceutics Åbo
Finlands Svenska Lärarstuderandes Förening Teachers Vasa and Åbo
Fysikerföreningen Quantum Physics Åbo
Gastro Home economics & Sloyd Vasa
Gnosis Study of Religions Åbo
Humanistiska Föreningen vid ÅA (HF) Humanities Åbo
INFÅ vid Åbo Akademi Computer science Åbo
Judith Gender studies Åbo
Jus Cogens International law and Human rights Åbo
Katharsis Developmental Psychology & Social Policy Vasa
Kemistklubben (KK) Chemistry Åbo
Kleio History Åbo
Kulturisten Ethnology and Folkloristics Åbo
Loimu Studerande – Åbo rf Bio- och Natural Science Åbo
Merkantila Klubben (MK) Economics Åbo
Otto Musicology Åbo
Pedactus General and Adult education Vasa
Politivas Social Sciences Vasa
Prosa Literature Åbo
Psykologiföreningen Impuls Psychology Åbo
Pulterit Geology Åbo
SF-Klubben Social Sciences Åbo
Sigma Mathematics Åbo
Sociologföreningen Anomi Sociology Åbo
SPIrre Special Education Vasa
Stadga Law Åbo
StuBi Preschool Education Vasa
Teologiska Studentföreningen (TSF) Theology Åbo
W.A.R.U.M Philosophy Åbo
Vitalitas r.f. Health Sciences Vasa
Vocalis Speech–language pathology Åbo
Välkky Finnish Åbo
Östsvea Swedish Åbo

Sport associations

Axels sportklubb (ASK) General Åbo
OL-UT Orienteering Åbo
Idrottsklubben Academia (IKA) General Åbo
VSF-Motion r.f. General Vasa
Abo Karate-do Shotokai (AKDS) Karate Åbo
Nylandsgatans Åilers Ice hockey Åbo
Merkantila Segelsällskapet Sailing Åbo

Music associations

Cultural, religious and ideological associations

Political associations

Liberala Studentklubben i Vasa r.f. (LSK i Vasa) Vasa
Liberala Studerande i Åbo (LSK i Åbo) Åbo
Turun Vino r.f. Åbo
Åbo Socialdemokratiska Studerande (ÅSS) Vasa och Åbo