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Student representative to the equality committee of ÅAU 

The Student Union has opened a call for a new student representative to the equality committee of ÅAU

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Sandra Österlund chosen as substitute Secretary General for the Student Union of ÅAU

Press release17 January 2024For immediate release The Student Union Council of the Student Union of ÅAU (ÅAS) has elected ...

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Responsibilities of the ÅAS Board members

The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University Board, at its constitutive meeting on December 15, 2023, has decided on the di...

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Apply for a temporary position as the Student Union’s Secretary General

ÅAS is now looking for a Secretary General for a temporary parental leave position from 1 February 2024, or as agreed.

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ÅAS elected the Board for 2024 – Jonne Kunnas is the new Chair of the Board

Åbo Akademis Studentkårs nyvalda fullmäktige har idag valt styrelse och presidium för år 2024.

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Extended time to apply: Student representative to the VOAS board

Call for a student representative to the VOAS board for 2024–2025. ÅAS elects one member to the board of the student housi...

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Questions for candidates 2024

The interview questions for ÅAS’ Board and Student Union Council’s Presidium have now been published. The Stud...

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Candidates for the Board 2024 and other positions

Nedan listas de kandidater som hittills har meddelat att de ställer upp. Ifall du ännu funderar på att ställa upp så hinne...

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Apply for the ÅAS’ Financial Board

We have now opened the application period for the Student Union's Financial Board!

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Apply for coordinator for Shrove Tuesday 2024

Do you want to coordinate and organize one of the most traditional events in Åbo? We are now looking for a coordinator of ...

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Donation to All our children

The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University has chosen to give a donation to the organisation All our children.

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Apply for the Student Union Board 2024

ÅAS is looking for a new Board for 2024. The new Board will be elected on 5 December 2023 at the Student Union Council's m...

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