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Welcome to sexual health counseling!

News — 11.9.2024

During the fall, ÅAS will offer sexual counseling to all members of the Student Union. You can either come to an appointment (on site at Kåren or remotely) or you can send in a completely anonymous question.

Sexual counseling can, for example, be questions or concerns about sex, relationships, the body, sexual health, questions about identity or something else.
Both big and small questions are welcome.

My name is Nora Möller and I offer sexual health counseling. I have a special interest in norms, religion, culture and LGBTIQA+ issues. Your questions don’t need to be related to these areas.
I have professional confidentiality.

We can meet in person at Kåren or as a distance meeting. We meet about 1-2 times, 45 minutes per meeting and you don’t need to live in Turku. Counseling is free of charge.

You can also submit a completely anonymous question through this link. The link is also found on ÅAS’ Instagram. The answers are usually published every two weeks on Fridays.

If you have a question you would prefer not to be published, you can send it to the email below. Only you will receive a reply, but you will not be anonymous.

If you want to book an appointment or have questions, please use the following e-mail.