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Welcome (back) to the studies 

Blog — 29.8.2022

Dear students, both younger and elder, now it is time to start the semester. For the first-year students, it is clear that the most things are new and exciting, but now we are in a situation where we don’t have just one but 4 grades that haven’t had the opportunity to experience a normal year of studies. That is a huge majority of all the students. 

Do you not have any idea in which room your next lecture is, don’t worry, most of the others don’t probably know it either. Don’t be afraid to ask regardless of what it is about, that is the only way you will learn. 

And you, dear older students, do you feel like you should know more than you know and do you feel like you missed out on the biggest part of your studies? You shouldn’t worry in that case either, now we just have to take back the time we have lost and make the best of it. Let’s live this semester like we all were first-year students again, meet lots of new people and accept the fact that sometimes all of us are a little bit lost. Take part in the different events organised by our associations, and ask your study mates from your course to join you at lunch or the sports event in the evening. There is something for everyone. 

Now it is time to take back the time that we missed and experience a great start to the semester together. Let’s meet at campus and at events, and please contact us with a low threshold if you are wondering anything. 

Veera Granroth 

Chair of the Board, The Student Union of ÅAU