The Speech to Per Brahe
Blog — 15.2.2025

Honored Count Per Brahe,
and dear students,
Studere non debet valetudinem consumer – To study should not come at the expense of health.
The well-being of students is a topic that is constantly under discussion. By now, it almost feels like an overused subject – one with more of a political significance than one that truly matters to the students themselves.
Everyone should have the opportunity to study without having to compromise their well-being or at the cost of their health. Yet, many seem to accept this as part of student life. Cuts to students’ social security seem to argue the same point: this is just how it is, you should manage, you’re privileged to study, so study.
We do not need to, and should not, accept a high level of stress, anxiety, or low mood just because we are studying – it shouldn’t be that way. There should be sufficient preventive support and other support services so that we can take care of our wellbwing while we study. Studying should primarily be something enjoyable – we are here to learn, not to struggle through.
Often, when you hear others talk about their past student lives, they mostly remember the sense of community, student associations, and everything that came with them. That’s what I looked forward to during my studies – to experience all of that. Now, I believe that most people feel the weight of how students are struggling even before they start studying, more than they hear about all the fun that is supposed to come with student life and student culture.
The circumstances needs to change: studying should not mean feeling unwell. Studying should lead to well-being. When making decisions about higher education policy, this must be kept in mind. Especially now, as universities are focusing on high throughput and cost efficiency due to the new funding model for universities.
I wish and hope that everyone who has the privilege to decide on students’ futures truly understands the meaning of Studere non debet valetudinem consumere – To study should not come at the expense of health. Studies and student life should contribute to well-being. Make the decisions accordingly.
Emilia Melén
Chair of the Board
The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University