An Introduction to International Affairs – A New Position Within the Board
Blog — 25.2.2025

As most of you already know, there is a new position within the Student Union of ÅAU (ÅAS) Executive Board, namely International Affairs. International Affairs as an area of responsibility has been included in another board position prior to 2025, meaning that the work is not new. However, the Student Union Council decided in 2024 to have a separate position for International Affairs, as the number of international students at ÅAU is continuously increasing, and a position focusing only on their interests was necessary.
Much has already been done in the past regarding international affairs, but now the Board is working on developing the position into a meaningful part of the organisation as an independent area of responsibility. The focus is primarily on advocating for our international members, ensuring their well-being, and making sure their voices are heard.
External Responsibilities
The work also involves various other matters related to international affairs. The Europe Forum in Åbo has a seat on its board that belongs to the Student Union of ÅAU International Affairs, where the voice of students can also be heard. The European Forum in Åbo is organised every year, with programs for three days, featuring discussions, panels, and presentations on Finland’s position in Europe and the European Union. The board also includes experts and professors from The University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.
In addition, an important task within this position is to represent the students in the university alliance CHARM-EU. This is an alliance between nine universities from EU countries and Åbo Akademi University is one of them. Our representative is a part of CHARM-EU’s Student Council, so that the students’ voices can be heard when decisions are made within the alliance. We work closely together with the staff from ÅAU that are responsible for the alliance from the university’s side.
During the year 2025, the position is being developed into something meaningful for the organisation, but also for the members of the Student Union. It is being developed by the Board Members, hopefully with the help of international students themselves.
Sofie Lehtovaara
Executive Board Member, International affairs
The Student Union of ÅAU