Welcome back to Campus
Blog — 28.8.2024

A warm welcome back to a new academic year! The board of Åbo Akademi Student Union sends a special greeting to all our students, both in Turku and Vaasa. The autumn term brings new opportunities, adventures, and reunions on our campuses.
Autumn is here!
As the leaves become more colorful, so do the streets of Turku. Overalls in red, green, yellow, blue, and many other colors once again fill the cobblestone streets around the cathedral.
It’s freshmen initiation season, and new students can be seen finding their way around their new campus. Biskopsgatan, which has been relatively quiet over the summer, is quickly becoming as lively as ever. Older students are also slowly but surely returning to study rooms, coffee rooms, libraries, and association offices, filling the corridors with eager discussions about what everyone has been up to during the break.
Lunchtime socializing and pleasant lunch breaks are also back as the student cafeterias reopen in Arken, ASA, Aurum, and at Kåren. Honestly, who wouldn’t do a little extra for some of Arken’s bread or Kåren’s focaccia?
We’re all a bit out of practice as studies kick off again, so remember to take it easy and enjoy the fun of the season – maybe take a walk along the river, perhaps with a takeaway coffee from Fabbes or maybe an Aura? 😉 In short, welcome back to an Åbo ready for a new academic year and an eventful autumn. Have fun, enjoy the coziness as much as you can, and remember to take care of each other!
Autumn arrives to Vaasa and brings students back to our seaside campus. Soon the city will be filled with colorful overalls, and there will be a sense of anticipation and excitement in the air.
While the first-year students are discovering student life, the rest of us return to familiar routines. Routines like Ollis Tuesdays, student parties, and hanging out in Hoviska Park, while the newcomers are out exploring their new study city, Academill, and of course the historic Havtornen by the sea.
Among all the students, there is a buzz of excitement about the coming autumn and the cozy evenings it will bring. Moments of friendship between new and old friends, perhaps while sewing patches onto overalls and searching for the next event in the student event calendar.
Slowly but surely autumn is kicking off, and we hope that you all get to enjoy the best parts of student life: community, friends, and new adventures. Don’t be afraid to try something new, maybe strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know, and most importantly – have fun! Take care of yourself and enjoy autumn!