Student representative to the equality committee of ÅAU
News — 29.1.2024

The Equality Committee of ÅAU consists of members of the staff and students at the University. There are two student representatives who both have substitutes in case they cannot attend meetings. We are now opening the call for a new substitute.
The committee discusses and takes initiatives regarding all aspects of Equality, Equal treatment and accessibility. The committee is involved in the writing of the Equality Plan and Equal Treatment Plan for ÅAU, as well as the follow up on how the plans are implemented.
The committee works in English and Swedish. All materials are translated and the discussions at the meetings are interpreted. The next time the committee has a meeting is 19 March.
The Student Union seeks a person with an interest in matters regarding equality and accessibility. The representative will be elected by the Student Union Board on Wednesday 28.2.2024. Send your application via e-mail to before Thursday 22.2.2024 at 23.59. You can include some text about who you are, what you study and why you want to represent the students in the committee!
Contact regarding the assignment and the election of the representative: Students’ Rights Expert Petra Lindblad,